Microsoft has announced an end of support date of December 31, 2012 for FRx. Sage will continue to support it, but in the long term we will need an alternative solution for creating Financial Reports.
by: Erik k. | over a year ago | 4 - Reports / BI
We moved to Global Software's Spreadsheet Server and our Accounting Dept seems to be very satisfied. It seems to be flexible and speedy. We had tried BizExcelerator or I think it is now known as Biz Insights. It had been prone to lock ups and very slow.
What is the Sage timeline on getting their alternative available? If we have new deals coming in, I need to know in case it is soon so we do not need to develop the reports in both FRx and the Sage reporting app
In August 2010, Sage will be launching Sage MAS Intelligence for Sage MAS 500. This will be the recommended replacement for FRx.
SMI is not a capable replacement of FRx at all. Once customers start getting introduced to it, they will be very disappointed. While it has the ability to pull other data, its financial reporting functionalities are extremely week compared to FRx, Management Reporter and even Spreadsheet Server.