The ability to update a large number of prices by a percentage or amount - increase or decrease - would make this process more efficient. The ability to use parameters like Item Class or Sales Product Line to adjust the pricing would also be useful (similar to Global Item Change and Global Inventory Change). With tens of thousands of parts, doing a 5% increase in List Price could take a huge number of hours to implement if done manually. With the fluctuation in market prices for raw materials, the ability to react quickly to a price increase or decrease is critical.


  • Should also have some way of confirming the right parts are selected before applying the pricing update. In addition to performing mass updates, a simple method of importing or updating prices from Excel or CSV file would be beneficial. This would be useful for initial setup and for pricing updates that must be done manually (i.e. not a global percentage or amount for the increase/decrease).

  • A stored procedure could easily accomodate this which could be called from a UI that passed in the parameters you described as criteria for the update.

  • This is an Add On BHE Consulting has available for 7.x. Strictly the distribution side.

  • I currently have to run these updates for my company. This should not be a function of the companies IT department (to ensure pricing is updated correctly). End users should have the ability to "safely update pricing" just by selecting a csv document. No need for DI or additional modules which they could do a lot of damage with.

  • Call Russ Carey at BHE Consulting at 781.340-5871 for a demo of this Add-on.

  • It would also be useful if the enhancement included a way to say "make cost changes apply to all warehouses." Maybe this could be a checkbox in Set Up IM Options, and if it is checked then any cost changes made in any given warehouse WHILE the setting is turned on would automatically flow to ALL warehouses. This would really help us during the first week of January when new cost values must be entered for a large number of items. As it stands now we go into every item in Maintain Items and update price and cost there, and then we go into every item/whse record in Maintain Inventory to update costs there as well. It would be nice to be able to update costs/prices accross-the-board by a certain percentage, as Skip has requested. But in addtion to that, for times when the changes being made are not neccesarily an accross-the-board percentage change, simply having the ability to make cost changes in one warehouse automatically flow to all other warehouses, or maybe a certain group of warehouses, would be very useful. It would also be nice if we had the option to make those cost changes flow to Maintain Items as well.

  • This is completed for the upcoming 2013 version (Q4 2012 planned release) of Sage 500 ERP