Today, landed cost values are estimated based on limited information and can not be corrected once the actual values are known. This makes it difficult to determine the true profit for a sale since the item cost is not completely accurate.
by: Skip H. | over a year ago | 3 - Sales & Distribution
Provide a way in which to have a freight charge entered into MAS as an invoice from a freight carrier and associate the $ amount with a sales order on a per-SO-line-item-basis based on the shipping weight of the item. Example: SO has 3 line items. Qty of line item 1 weighs 50 lbs. Item 2 = 20 lbs. Item 3 = 30 lbs. Total freight cost to ship the order = $100. Order is processed & shipped. $100 invoice from FedEx arrives and is entered into MAS. Sales Hist BIA shows a freight amount on each of the 3 lines representing this order. Item 1 freight cost is $50 Item 2 freight cost is $20 Item 3 freight cost is $30 This allows for a true line-item profit to be calculated.
Our company also measures the freight as a percentage of the Sales Value for each shipment. This is currently a manual process. An improvement like this would be very helpful.
we need to be able to prorate the additinal costs of freight by volume too. Many things are shipped by volume and not weight.....
Skip I have this as a mod. Entry of the actual costs are done upon receipt of goods and can include up to five different categories (freight-in, duty, brokerage fees, etc.) allocated to the three GL Accounts provided in the standard system (Material, Freight, Other).
This is done as a customizer mod and a few SQL procedures. If you'd like to discuss please email me at
I also have a mod. It is a must for us.
We also need to be able to enter and allocate the actual Landed Costs by line weight on the Receipt of Goods.
These features are included in the 7.4 release.