Provide a way to store miscellaneous notes about a customer, or customer ship to address, and have the notes pop up in the Sales Order Entry screen whenever an order is being entered for that customer or customer ship to address. The basis for this exists in the Maintain Customers “Memo” functionality, although it needs added to "Other Addresses" so memos can be added PER address. But there ought to be a way to have those memos pop up, or somehow notify the order entry clerk that there is information tied to this customer or address that they need to be aware of when processing an order.
Some examples of the types of notes I’m referring to are:
Ship ONLY by Conway.
Must call ahead for delivery.
Per Bob, PO#s are REQUIRED.
Receiving closes at noon on Friday.
Must double-wrap all sealant orders.
No loading dock. Must supply pallet jack.


  • I currently have this working by way of a couple additional tables, and using Customizer on the Sales Order Entry task. But this seems like it should be native in the product.

  • I completely agree. I thought the memo function would have worked this way.

  • Would also be great if we could have a pop up message while processing a Starship shipment.

  • This missing feature has been a big gripe for my customers that have moved up from MAS 90/200, as that product has the feature and it is taken away when going to MAS 500.

  • this would be a nice feature, but then they wouldn't be able to sell you SalesLogix or any other of their CRM apps .

  • This is definitely a must-have for us.

  • can someone from Sage confirm where on the roadmap this is planned for? We're looking at doing something custom but would rather hold off if if we know when we can expect it. thanks.

  • Hello Amir, we are working on this feature right now for Sage ERP 500 v7.5

  • Looks like it didn't make it into v7.5 (ERP 2013). It's not listed in the prerelease guide for ERP 2014 so maybe 2015...

  • When will we finally see this?