add the ability to have different looks for different companies.
I.E. Company1 uses scheme blue
Company2 uses scheme red

so when you switch from company1 to company 2 the UI woul have a red tint


  • YES!!

  • Yes - this would provide a tremendous benefit!

  • We would really like the ability to see some distinction between a "Production" installation and "Test" installation.

  • Yes please. We would like to see the distinction between our New Zealand and Australian companies.

  • You could do something with Customizer using the level of "CompanyID". It would be a good few hours work to go through each UI but that has worked in the past for a client of ours.

  • I will just second what Tim said. Different skins for different companies is a great idea, but in addition to that, something other than the word "Test" appearing in the Status Bar would be helpful to let users know they are using a TEST database. Something is needed that really stands out to let the user know they are in a TEST environment.

  • YES, YES, Yes....

    About a year ago I said yes please to this suggestion.
    I often get caught completing a transaction in the wrong company as they look exactly the same on the screen. I thought planned changes took 12-18 months. This suggestion has been hanging around for 24 months now.

  • Looks like it's going to be an even longer wait. It was on the roadmap for the ERP 2014 release but I've been informed they ran out of time to include it so now it's on the list for the 2015 version.

  • Still waiting for this one and 2015 version is a long way off.
    So wish we had this now.
    Tracy A

  • This would be a big help.

  • Why oh why is it taking so long to do this?
    Is there any point voting for these things?
    I have been asking for this for over 2 years now.