Use a web service provided by USPS or some other entity to retrieve/validate current postal codes which are needed for various MAS 500 tasks. Currently postal codes are maintained within the MAS 500 databse with no mechanism to insert new records or update erroneous information. Using a web service such as the one provided by the US Postal Service, would ensure the zip codes used in MAS 500 including the zip+ 4 value were accurate.
by: Louis D. | over a year ago | 6 - General Enhancements
We currently have to pay multiple thousands of $$$ annually to keep these legally updated every two months!
While on the subject of zip codes, another change should also be made. Currently when entering a new address in Maintain Customers or Maintain Vendors, you can simply enter the zip code and MAS will auto-populate the city, state, and country for you. This is a nice feature, however, the city populates with a capital first letter and the rest lower case. Standard USPS addressing calls for addresses to be in ALL CAPS. The city field should auto-populate with all caps.
In CANADA too Please!
If you use Sage Sales Tax (Avalara Avatax)address validation is included. I realize not everyone needs this add-on, but for what it is worth.