Just dating the SalesOrder with createdate does not give us the level of reports we need. Need to be able to report Items booked this week, this month. Then we can see the level of new order lines. Many times order lines are added this month to orders that were added last month. This lets Sales track their orders and meet goals. Also, we need to verify prices on lines just added this week. This would make it easy to track & report.
by: Mary L. | over a year ago | 3 - Sales & Distribution
You've got my vote on this one, but it also begs the question about changes to existing lines - where are those booking $$$ documented in the standard system? We run a manual paper trail that includes both the added lines and the changed lines and that gets integrated (via excel) into our bookings each month.-groan-
I agree with the above comments. We require Booking reports to show 'new' order lines added for a given day as well as the changing of qtys and cancellations of lines. Cancellations need to include Qty changes to existing sales lines. Booking records should be written to a table everytime the sales order is changed reflecting qtys added and reduced and marked with the activity date so reports can be done daily, weekly, monthly and by any date range.
I'd like to see the standard audit fields (CreateDate, CreateUserID, UpdateCounter, UpdateDate, UpdateUserID) in all the line detail tables - SO Line, PO Line, WO Detail, Ship Line, etc.
This feature can be easily added by adding a trigger to tsoSOLine which writes to a shadow table. The shadow table only needs 2 columns, SOLineKey and a CreateDate. I think all of Darryl's request could be done also but that would require a little bit more work.
Thanks for the suggestion John. I might try that. I agree with Darryl that it would be good to have for all line detail, but sales order lines and purchase order lines are especially important for us.