As new computers are acquired, most companies will purchase Office 2010.
Since 7.40 will not be available until late 2011, this leaves customers on 7.30 running the 2010 version of Office unsupported.
It may work, however to have the Sage stamp of approval provides reassurance if issues arise.


  • Office 2007 SP2 still needs a stamp of approval as well.

  • We've recently purchased an enterprise-wide upgrade to Office 2010 and are soon upgrading to 7.3!

  • I am already running into clients that are on 7.3 and want to upgrade to Office 2010. I have verified that it doesn't work. They are back to cutting and pasting.

  • Since the release of 7.4 is TBD for sometime in late 2011, why not update v7.3 to be MS Office 2010 supported? Very frustrating, to have MAS 500 holding back support for a widely used office productivity suite such as MS Office. Is it time we start looking for a replacement for MAS? I just saw in the ERP MAS eNewsleter that thier new eBusiness suite doesn't even support IE 8. <sigh>

  • Need support in 7.30. 7.40 is TBD and won't be stable until two quarterly updates if history repeats ...

  • Version 7.4 is currently available and has proven to be quite stable. We recommend upgrading to the current version if you need to use MS Office 2010.

  • We can't upgrade our 7.3 to 7.4 because our Warehouse Automation vendor has not come out with their new version. Losing the office compatibility is not an option. Can't anything be done for us that are 'stuck' on 7.3?