Usually SalesTax Schedule depends on Shipping Address.
Currently the only way to provide STaxSchdID in SO API is via DfltShipToCustAddrID. Before running spsoAPISalesOrdIns we need to create a new ShipToCustAddrID with correct STaxSchedule on every Customer's order and then set it as a Customer's Primary, because there is no option in MAS500 for using the provided DfltShipToCustAddrID info when calculating STax during running SO API.
One Customer puts multiple Internet Orders from multiple sites, ships them to multiple addresses. Manipulation with Primary address at sometimes practically the same time may be dangeros and result confusing.
We would like SAGE MAS500 developers to consider the idea of having STaxSchd in the staging tables.
by: Natalya V. | over a year ago | 5 - Integration