During the shipping/Invoicing process, the Freight is added to the Sales total, which is usually BELOW the pre-authorized amount. In this case, the (lower) Invoice amount is automatically changed to Prior Auth on the processor side. However, if the Invoice amount is OVER the pre-auth amount, then the the original Pre-Auth amount is changed to Prior Auth, leaving a balance on the Invoice.
Can we instead process either an additional manual charge or automatically adjust the pre/prior auth to match the Invoice total?
by: Kris L. | over a year ago | 1 - Financial Management
It would be even better if the system automatically charged what was invoiced, even if it's over the preauth. If there isn't enough room on the customer's credit card for the additional amount, then only charge what was preauthorized and process a manual charge through cash receipts.
We are using the Restaurant/Hotel model for pre-auths - we have established a freight figure that will work with 95% of our shipments and use that for the pre-auth. We have 99% business Bank Card customers who don't watch their Pre-Auth as closely as their personal numbers and so an additional 10-15% pre-auth is not a problem.
Process Credit Card Sale for Amount over the Pre-Auth amount
Business Reason:
Currently if you process a Pre-auth for $2,115.00 ($2,005.00 for the base amount and $110.00 estimated for the freight) and the actual shipment invoice includes a higher invoice amount $2,115.50($2,005.00 for the base amount and $110.50 for actual freight) , the Pre-Auth will be converted to a Sale for the Pre-auth amount ($2,115.00). The overage ($0.50) will be set as a open invoice balance.
They can process an additional payment for $0.50, create a credit memo or attempt to write off. The cost to perform the mentioned tasks to rid the $0.50 will cost the company more than the $0.50 value.
Looking for an option either at the customer / site level that will process the Prior Auth / Sale for the amount over the Pre-Auth during Pre-Auth conversion. Perhaps a tolerance amount/percent to process over the initial Pre-Auth amount.
MAS 90/200 has some type of functionality for this. Users coming from MAS 90/200 will be looking for this feature.
As of the August 2011 Product Update you can post authorize the card for an amount in excess of the pre-authorization if it is within the limit set on the customer record.