As of v7.30.4, the User List Crystal Report in System Manager shows a list of all users in the system, as well as which Security Groups they are a member of within each company. However, this does not provide enough information for a permissions audit. The report should be enhanced to include the specific tasks, task descriptions, and security events that users have access to. I realize that it is possible to export the task descriptions and permission levels that coincide with each Security Group from within the Maintain Security Groups task. But in order for that to be useful, it would have to be combined with the User List report. Combining that data manually in Excel would be extremely time consuming and prone to errors. A single report that shows both the Security Groups to which users belong, as well as the tasks that they have access to in each company should be provided.


  • We found this lacking as well. To compensate, we created a SQL view linking the users, security groups and tasks/events and added it as a Explore view the in System Manager menu.