When people use their first.lastname@companyname.??? 40 characters isn't enough. 255 is the largest I have seen.
by: Mike B. | over a year ago | 6 - General Enhancements
In addition, name, company name, address 1-5, and the city fields should all have their length increased to at least 60-70.
Comments fields need to be more than 50, perhaps the web default of 255 char.
We also run into these limitations on a regular basis.
The original version of RFC (Request for Comments) 3696 initially established that email addresses would have a maximum length of 320 characters. However, this was incorrect and later RFC 5321 specified the maximum lengh for an email address will be 256 characters. SO Mike B was correct when he stated that 255 should be length used.
this is a ridiculous limitation, and when we have to tell customers we're not able to enter them in our system because their email address is too long for our system, it is fairly embarrassing and makes it seem as though we are running our business on some archaic, brittle system. this needs to be resolved asap please!
Under consideration for a future release.
Included in the March 2012 Product Update for version 7.3.
I would think that this field should be made a LOT larger. What if a user has multiple email addresses?? or we want document delivery to go to more than one physical email address under a specific contact? (this may be accounted for in versions 7.3 and 7.4 as we don't use document transmittal yet but I still wanted to pose the question...)
And after looking at the data structure for 7.4 after our test upgrade, this field is still 40 characters. Am I missing something??
In addition, name, company name, address 1-5, and the city fields should all have their length increased to at least 60-70.
Comments fields need to be more than 50, perhaps the web default of 255 char.
We also run into these limitations on a regular basis.
The original version of RFC (Request for Comments) 3696 initially established that email addresses would have a maximum length of 320 characters. However, this was incorrect and later RFC 5321 specified the maximum lengh for an email address will be 256 characters. SO Mike B was correct when he stated that 255 should be length used.
this is a ridiculous limitation, and when we have to tell customers we're not able to enter them in our system because their email address is too long for our system, it is fairly embarrassing and makes it seem as though we are running our business on some archaic, brittle system. this needs to be resolved asap please!
Under consideration for a future release.
Included in the March 2012 Product Update for version 7.3.
I would think that this field should be made a LOT larger. What if a user has multiple email addresses?? or we want document delivery to go to more than one physical email address under a specific contact? (this may be accounted for in versions 7.3 and 7.4 as we don't use document transmittal yet but I still wanted to pose the question...)
And after looking at the data structure for 7.4 after our test upgrade, this field is still 40 characters. Am I missing something??