Make this tool more useful and set it up so that we can select if we want to receive posts of new ideas via e-mail. Could make it so we could select which categories we want to watch and also if we want to be notified of status changes on ideas that we voted on. I think you would get a lot more input and interaction. I bet a lot of customers don't even know this exists. I have known about it for a year or two and have probably only been in here 3-4 times.


  • I agree. It would also be useful to be notified about bugs and fixes as soon as they are discovered.

  • It would also be nice if ideas that are planned and completed would get comments from Sage about what the planning and/or completion version support information is/was.

  • Also would be nice to have this, so that if I subscribed to updates on a particular idea, I would know when it was being introduced or fixed, or maybe someone added a comment with an idea of how to solve the problem without waiting for a programming change, or maybe a person puts in an idea and what they want is already in the system but they just didn't know it was possible.