If a person enters comments in AR CR entry for a misc cash receipt, those comments to NO WHERE after posting the transaction. These comments are more meaningful for misc cash than any other to let a site know what it was for than anything else. If someone enters information into a field, why would it NOT save somewhere to be viewed later after posting?


  • I can agree with this suggestion.

  • Glad to see this is planned, it is a true must when you are viewing under customer payments. I would vote on this if it were still open for voting.

  • An additional thought to this for misc pmt postings.....if you could have it show in a couple of places....1-the GL transactions windows as an ext comment, both the GL account transactions and the GL transactions report ...and 2-in the customer payments explore window as an ext comment.

  • This is completed for the upcoming 2013 version (Q4 2012 planned release) of Sage 500 ERP