Currently if material has been manually issued to a work order and the step marked as complete, the progress or labor step will re-issue the material to the work order during a backflush. The backflush should prompt the condition exists and allow the user to override.

Optimally, with current bin backflush in 7.4 it would be nice if a screen showed the backflush steps with exceptions that are about to occur, and any "step complete" or "insufficient qty" items would be listed so the user could override lines individually or cancel backflush and address issue.

Step is valuable as certain items may be issued to the job early, and the 'step complete' provides a way to signal no more needs to be issued. The "insufficient qty" is good too if a client doesn't allow negative inventory but could possibly have multiple steps on a labor\progress step that require addressing. Now they are reported singly and the users option is to open the WO and turn-off backflush for that step... rather list them all and allow similar functionality on a single screen.
