What happened to it? In MAS90 you used to be able to check to have this pop up when you entered a voucher for the vendor associated with this voucher. Please bring this back. The memo feature in AP in MAS500 is not good at all. 2/28/13
by: Michelle T. | over a year ago | 5 - Integration
Absolutely. In addition, you could have popups set in Maintain Customers that popped up when you created a new sales order for that particular customer. Much good info could be stored here that was relevant to new orders. Please bring this feature back!
In Sage100 in the vendor memos, there is a box you can check that will cause the vendor memo to pop up when you are entering a voucher for the vendor. It was very handy back when we used Sage100. You can enter memo information such as how invoices to this vendor should be split coded and it pops up when you enter the voucher. I wish that Sage500 had this feature.