Several things are not working with this tool:
1) When importing a file of cleared checks from the bank, with settings to match Bank Account, Tran No. and Tran Amount, if the check amount is less than $1,000 and does not include cents, the import throws an error and stops. This has been reported in the past (ticket 8005345796, 6/2016) and we were told this is by design. However at the time we didn't notice that checks with no cents that were greater than $1,000 matched properly. This needs to get fixed.
2) This utility will only allow one pass at this import. Users want to match checks by one criteria (Tran No and Tran Amount), but they cannot match deposits to a tran no, because the tran no for a deposit is externally generated. Add the ability to take another pass at this.
3) Please make it easier on users to map to their bank-generated file. A mapping tool would be great, rather than making it necessary to reformat their bank-generated file to match the Sage-imposed file layout. Or at least lose the requirement for the header record.
