Please allow for more information to be pulled when searching for RMAs. To have the dollar amount would be exceptionally helpful to reduce the search time.


  • In case you are not aware, lookups often have access to fields in the system that may or may not be displayed. In the case of the RMA lookup, starting in Sage 500 ERP version 2019, there is a field called Ext Amount that is available. In the current release, that field is also displayed, even if it is off to the right. Using the Quick Search at the bottom of the lookup, you can click the Ext Amount field and set your search options.

    Note that if the field is not visible in the grid, or if you don't like the default field order in the grid, you can change it by View Columns button on the Lookup Window toolbar and change what fields show and what order that they appear. This applies to virtually any lookup in the system, and is not RMA specific.

    So, we added it to version 2019, and it is not available prior to that.