A report that will tell you of customer that have not purchased with the last 30, 60, 90, 120 days.


  • Although you could add this view and create a BIE task, there is a preview that can get you partially there. BTW, any previews or the vdv views created in Sage 500 are accessible from BI. You generally need to be an Sage 500 administrator to do this:

    1. Start System Manager / Tools / Task Editor.
    2. Click Add New Task button at bottom.
    3. Select following:
    Launch Type: .NET Standard
    Module: Business Insights - Explorer
    SQL View: vdvCustomerLastActivity
    4. The rest of the data will default, click OK.
    5. Select the Sage 500 Desktop menu you want to manipulate.
    6. Select Accounts Receivable / Insights / Explore.
    7. Right-click and select Create New Task / Sage 500 ERP Task
    Module: Business Insights - Explorer
    Sage 500 Task: Customer's Last Activity
    8. The rest of the data will default, click OK.
    9. Test the added BIE task.
    10. Grant permissions to the task in your groups in System Manager / Maintain Security Groups.
    11. Save the menu changes.

    This will allow you to view the last transactions as a whole and filter by last date instead of being restricted to viewing 1 customer at a time from BIE Customers task. The customer will have had to have some registered activity in the past like an invoice, order or quote (payments and memos are also recorded).

    If you want to get fancy, read up on Maintain Business Insights Views / Context Menus and add relationships for drill-down, etc.