The Process Credit Card Transfers was recently added as standard functionality from an enhancement. Users are running having a difficult time using this new functionality because of the limited information available to see. When you click the Select For Transfer button, you see all the invoices available from the filter. You will see the VendorID and invoice amount. In order to make this more useful, we would need to see the invoice number and Due Date. This way the end user would be able to see what they need to select. Currently you are seeing multiple lines for the same company for different invoice but you are not able to see the invoice number. This required the user to expand every single line in order to see what the invoice is. This can be a very tedious task when there are hundreds of potential invoices that get pulled in. Another idea would to have all the invoice pull in and have them expanded by default for the additional fields would be displayed. I would think making two more fields visible might be a minor change to the programming but would have a huge impact on how this function used.
by: Eric D. | over a year ago | 3 - Sales & Distribution
Having the ability to expand all and be able to view all invoices would be very helpful. Not sure if the ability to sort as well would be asking too much but that would be helpful as well. Thank you!