When you initiate help for a field, on occassion you will receive a page that states "Field help (DUMMY)". Please replace all references for DUMMY with a more meaningful word, such as NONE, NOT_AVAILABLE. etc.


  • I always found it interesting that I was called a dummy for expecting to find help on certain topics. If we can't make the change as requested by Lynne could we at least get a random Haiku error message?

    Rather than a beep... Or a rude error message... These words: "No more memory"

    The code was willing... It considered your request... But the chips were weak.

    Errors have occurred... We won't tell you where or why... Lazy programmers.

    Server's poor response... Not quick enough for browser... Timed out, plum blossom.

    Login incorrect... Only perfect spellers may... enter this system.

    Wind catches lily... scatt'ring petals to the wind:... segmentation fault

    There is a chasm... of carbon and silicon... the software can't bridge

    To have no errors... Would be life without meaning... No struggle, no joy

    A file that big?... It might be very useful... But now it is gone.

    Chaos reigns within... Stop, reflect, and reboot... Order shall return.

    Aborted effort... Close all that you have worked on... You ask way too much.

    Stay the patient course... Of little worth is your ire... The network is down.

    Three things are certain... Death, taxes, and lost data... Guess which has occurred.

    Out of memory... We wish to hold the whole sky,... But we never will.

  • Nice Glenn. I had to combed through 4 full pages of ideas to find your new comment. And it's totally worth it!

  • Nice...

  • Sometimes you just have to call a spade a "spade". All kidding aside, the identifier used to identify missing help has been renamed to remove the unintended insult.

    You will see this on version 7. The reference is now ANONE. The real news is that we are working hard in an effort to remove the cause (missing help) and will continue to do so.

  • Just so you know, this has been done in Patch 24 of v6 - update your documentation to reap the benefits!