When a contact record is created from a business partner record. When the user goes into the CRM Contact (GESAIN). The mobile phone number is passed through to the CRM contact, but the telephone and email addresses are not. Ideally whenever a change was made to a contact record via GESAIN or via an update to the contact record on a BP record the CONTACT and CONTACTCRM tables would stay in sync.


  • Note: I submitted this also through Support and R&D indicated that this is the current design of the structure. The idea being that a contact can be associated with more than one BP, therefore the phone, fax and mobile could be variable depending on which BP the contact is associated with.

    I would contend that 99% of the time, a contact is associated with only one BP and the model I'm proposing in this enhancement request would be the preferred method. If nothing else could we have a general parameter setup to allow for both methods of contact management to be at play, depending on the client's preference.

  • Even without updating BP contact record when CRM contact record is updated, at least by default pull in the CRM contact info when the contact record is first referenced to the BP.

  • Enthusiastically supported. The way it is set up now is very confusing to users, and really diminishes overall usefulness of the current CRM module.