Adding Ship To addresses to a customer needs to be simplified. The current process is un-intuitive. For instance, when you add the first address to a customer, the system will automatically create the Ship To data for that address. However, this does not happen when you add subsequent addresses. Also, if you add a new address, you can not select it to add to the Ship-To Customer tab until after you save the customer record.

Suggestions for improving this process are:

1. When you add an address to the Addresses tab, have a check box for "Ship To Address". This check box would be checked by default and would indicate that this address has or will have a Ship To record. If this checkbox is checked, then the address will be automatically added to the Ship To Customer tab. The trigger for adding the address to the Ship To Customer tab would be:

a. Save or Create button pressed.
b. User leaves this Address Record by switching tabs or starting a new address

2. Add the "Active" and the "Default Shipment" check boxes to the Addresses tab in addition to leaving the check boxes on the Ship-To Customer tab. Most of the time, when a user is setting up ship-to addresses, they only want to enter data on the Addresses tab and they want the Ship-To customer tab to bring in the defaults. Having the Active and the Default Shipment checkboxes in both places will prevent the user from having to switch back and forth between the 2 tabs.

3. On the Ship-To Customer Tab, you cannot select an existing address from the right-click context menu until after you save the customer record. This additional step needs to be removed and the address should be available for selection immediately, without having to save the customer first.


  • We use ship to customer addresses extensively. As an additional enhancement I would suggest that X3 simplify the addition of custom fields. It is my understanding that it is much more complex to add custom fields to this screen compared to others. For the average user like myself, it is impossible, and we would need to call our partner every time we need a change.