In GESPTH (Purchasing > Receipts > Receipts), the left list has a 'Order selection' drawer which is populated by the 'PO2' object and shows:

Product code _ Ord Qty: xxx To be received xxx

Many suppliers will only provide their product code on the packslip, so to simplify purchase receipts change the PO2 object so the 2nd selection line reads:

[F:POQ]ITMREF-' / '-[F:ITP]ITMREFBPS-'_'-mess(271,197,1)-num$([F:POQ]QTYPUU)-[F:POQ]PUU-mess(272,197,1)-num$([F:POQ]QTYPUU-[F:POQ]RCPQTYPUU)

Resulting in the following:

Product code / Supplier code _ Ord Qty: xxx To be received xxx
