When uploading attachments the current process is very manual and not very user friendly.

Current steps are:

1. Click on paper clip
2. Choose Type (magnify glass)
3. Select actual file format (e.g. Doc, MSG, PDF, etc.)
4. Click Actions icon in document name field
5. Click Upload
6. Select file
7. Choose actual file from local drive
8. Click Ok (to load file)
9. Then have to click Ok again (to get out of the attachments screen)

That is essentially min 7-10 steps/clicks (can’t always default things) a user has to execute which is too many steps on a user experience point of view.

Proposed Steps:

1. Click on Paperclip
2. Click Upload (or View)
3. Select file (auto recognizes file format so don’t have to choose PDF, MSG, Doc, etc)
4. Click Ok (jumps back to screen)
5. Click Ok to jump out of Attachment screen


  • would be great if this could further simplified by a drag/drop to a single repository folder linked to the transaction

  • Yes of course.
    Et si c'est possible, ce serait bien si les fichiers pouvaient être triés dans un dossier par fonction.

  • And if it's possible, it would be nice if the files could be sorted into a folder by function.

  • I actually can't believe how bad the current attachment process is. I've never seen anything like this bad in any other system. Attaching a file in SAGE X3 should be simple other ERPs or SharePoint. 100% agree with the simple 5 steps above. Great job! SAGE X3 team please implement!