Please create tabs for additional spreadsheet sequences. Currently there are seven with the Phase, Takeoff Order and Assembly views having a set layout. In the past it may have sped up the computing process by limiting the numbers of tabs, but today computers are faster and can handle more calculations with presentation. As an estimator, I find that management wants two tab or views set a certain way for review. Next, we come across clients that require one or two tabs for themselves. That can claim all real estate on the screen providing the estimator no spreadsheet sequences of their own. One of the excellent features of Sage Estimating is the ability to present the costs according to almost any setting of work breakdown structure possible. In turn, a need is created to manage those codes. It seems as though something always happens. If something is coded wrong, it has to be found. Other times an architect or owner will want a change. As we check our work, we may need to see it from another WBS sort. Periodically I need to create two or three tabs of my own to work, manage and review costs my way. I see peers also adjusting layouts frequently and conclude everybody would benefits from additional spreadsheet sequences. I would suggest another three.
