Master format CSI Breakdown. The CSI uses a 4-tier system and sometimes 5-tier system.

080000 - Openings (TIER 1) (GROUP)
085000 - Windows (TIER 2) (PHASE)
085100 - Metal Windows (TIER 3) (ITEM #1)
085113 - Aluminum Windows (TIER 4) (ITEM #2)
085123 - Steel Windows (TIER 4) (ITEM #2)
085200 - Wood Windows (TIER 3) (ITEM #1)
Metal Clad Wood Windows (TIER 4) (ITEM #2)

My team and I have been working on creating custom databases for large clients and need the capability to add more PHASES to properly list items in database correctly.

Please see your link to Sage Estimating General Discussion. OVER 980 VIEWS


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