Currently the screen shows the transaction date, transaction number, whse, whse decription, quantity, UNIT COST, EXTENTION, and AGAIN ITEM COST.
a) I don;t needt he WHSE DESCRIPTION
b.) I KNOW my cost
c. I NEED to know my SELL price, and preferably the MARGIN.
it would give a single screen on the profitability of the item.
by: erwin h. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
I'm not entirely sure to which screen you're referring, but in v4.4 you can modify the grid on the transactions tab in inventory maintenance.
I tested to make sure, and indeed you can add the unit cost field to the screen, as it is a field available in the IM_ItemTransactionHistory file. As for displaying margin, I think you could do that do, but you'd have to create the calculated UDF in the SO Invoice Detail File and the IM_TransactionPosting file, then create a UDF in the IM_ItemTransactionHistory file to source that GP value. Would take a little work, but not a lot, and the great news is that its all possible through the tools they provide in the software (if you own custom office).