Our salespeople use Sales Order Entry to create orders. Orders can range from 20-200 lines per item. They often order the same item twice by accident, and the customer ends up getting more cases than originally expected. If there was at least an option in Sales Order Options to allow or block duplicate items from being entered, it would dramatically increase our efficiency in order creation and processing. it could be as simple as adding a check box option "Prevent Duplicate Items in Order Entry", and if a salesperson enters in an item twice, a pop up message would display saying something like "Item has already been entered". We have tried scripts to prevent duplicate items from being entered but it has caused many problems and we had to disable it.

This is very similar logic to the new "Purchase Control Maintenance" Module, in that if you enter in an item that is not allowed to be sold in a specific state, a pop up message appears.



  • Can you elaborate about the issues you had with scripts? This would have been my first suggestion.

  • What about at least FLAGGING that a certain part number has already been entered once before? Sometimes we do use the same part number more than once. A warning box would be great!!

  • This would need an override option though - we have some customers who actually do order the same items twice and do want them listed separately rather than being combined.