All sales rep codes print on reports and show in drop down lists, etc. even if no activity occurred or the rep is no longer here. A lot of wasted paper to say the least or often in haste incorrect codes get listed on orders.

We track various types of sales by rep code and division and over the years we've adjusted how we use the rep codes and redid them. As a result a lot of the codes are still on the list but are no longer used. Deleting them however would no longer allow us to track the associated information if needed. Therefore, if there was a way to deactivate the code and only have it active if needed, it would be great.

Abilit to merge codes to condense the list when changes occur would also be helpful.


  • I would like to see Status fields in a lot of areas in MAS. For those with customizer, a UDF in the Sales Person Master File can be used to implement this functionality pretty easily.