Currently if you set up the invoices to Print/PDF and/or electronically deliver" a PDF is created for every invoice you create. We are high retail and our employees cannot be expected to know when a customer needs an electronic delivery and when they don't, therefore, the system either only prints or only creates PDF that are then printed or e-mailed. We need to have the system look at the customer profile and determine if a PDF should be created and e-mailed instead of taking an either/or approach.
A suggestion was made to create two batches one for those to electronically deliver and one to not. That doesn't really work for companies like ours that either don't know without looking up the customer profile who wants electronic delivery. Also, we print each invoice at the time the item is shipped or picked up and don't batch print the invoices.


  • The Print/PDF or electronically deliver does look at the customer profile on how they are set up and either prints a hard copy or emails it.

  • The system looks at the customer profile for e mailing, however the issue that I have encountered is to get a batch of invoices only consisting of invoices to be mailed (a hard copy needed). I accomplish this by use of UDF and it works very well. Many of my customers use this methodology and it assists employees as they get one batch to mail only.