The tax schedule field in customer maintenance is no longer required. This is causing problems at a retail business. Alll the salespeople can setup a customer. If they fail to enter the tax schedule in the customer masterfile then it will not let them complete the sales order invoice without entering a tax schedule. This causes extra steps in the sales cycle when it could have been avoided if they were required to enter the tax schedule on the front end in customer maintenance. At least give the flexability to say yes or no that you want the field to be required. The all or nothing approach does not work well.


  • If you have custom office, you can use that module to make the field required.

  • When I go into CI User-Defined Field and Table maintenance and select that field I see the locks and it tells me that the field is required. However, I can go and blank that field out in one of our customers and it will let me accept the record blank. We had an issue last night updating SO as the customer did not have a tax schedule.

  • Set a default value & requirement in Advanced Field Settings