When an order is placed I have to go to Item Inquiry and manually look up the weight on every part number on the order to figure out how much the total order will weigh. We do this to determine the cheapest shipping method (ex: truck freight vs UPS). If I can see the weight as I'm entering the order I can add it all up verses basically retyping each and every part number into Item Inquiry. Even better would be a field where Mas 90 gave me the total weight of the order.


  • Ship Weight may be added to the Grid in later releases if you have the Custom Office module. When adding a field to the Grid, highlight the file containing the field you want and click the Show All button. I think I have seen where someone on the community had summed up numbers from the grid with a script.

  • The system can sum up the total weight of the order for you automatically based on the ship via set up.