Business Reason:
General Alias numbers should not print on a Purchase Order (or should be able to be suppressed). Only Vendor alias numbers associated with the vendor for this PO should print.

If the purchase order form is modified to print the VendorAliasItemNo$ (printing the Alias Item Number is the reason the field is populated in the first place), there is no way to suppress printing of a General Alias Item Number if there is no matching Vendor Alias Item Number for the item and vendor - the system does not indicate whether the field value is a General Alias or a Vendor Alias. If the General Alias is not known to the vendor, then an incorrect and unknown Item Number will print on the order to be sent to the vendor.

This appears as an enhancement request on Sage Knowledgebase but not here in the ideas to vote for.
For More information you can look for Resolution ID 521188
