The ability to distribute lot/serial numbers on a new sales order when it is entered is a great improvement. However, this should be optional so you don't have to distribute every line of every order. Now if you don't want to distribute a line you have to cancel out of the distribution and then make sure you tell it to not delete the line. If every line of every order is serialized or lot tracked, that's a lot of extra work. Set an option switch so you can either distribute every line or just distribute lines that you click on the distribution icon. This would save a great deal of time and eliminate errors if you forget to remember to not delete the line if you don't distribute it.
by: Mark L. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
Check Sales Order Options > Line Entry Tab
Require Lines to be Fully Distributed can by unchecked so it is not mandatory distribution in Sales Order Entry.
The issue described above is present whether the Require Lines to be Fully Distributed is checked or not. Currently, there isn't a workaround for having to cancel the distribution and responding 'No' to the prompt to delete line.
Client is doing 200 + orders a day, and every line is a lot item, so we have a bout 600 lines per day the client has to go through this tedious prompt. Please, please can you give us the ability to have this prompt default to no, or at least let us customize this form so we can do this for the client.
There has to be a better way. Flag on the line?