I just got off of the phone with support, thinking I was misunderstanding the process, but it seems that the current way of splitting a single Shipping Line into multiple boxes is a bit clunky.

For instance, if you have 75 of a particular item to ship, you may want to package those into 2 or more separate boxes. The way you must currently do it is to
1. Highlight the item you wish to split
2. Enter that all 75 are being shipped
3. Click the Next Package button
4. Click the Item Packaging button
a. Check the In Package checkmark
b. Enter a Quantity in Package amount (in this case, say 40)
5. Click Accept
6. With the same item selected, click the Next Package button again
7. Click the Item Packaging button again
a. Check the In Package checkmark
b. Enter a Quantity in Package amount (in this case, say 35)
8. Click Accept

This is the most efficient I could make it. If you had even more boxes, it would get more repetitive. It seems like you should be able to do something like the following (there may be an even better idea, I'm sure).
1. With the line item highlighted, click the Item Packaging button
2. Set the number of packages for the line item
3. Enter in how many are going into each package
4. When clicking accept, the total of those packages should fill in on the main screen for the total being shipped.

This provides something that more visually matches what the shipper is doing: I have an item, it is going into these boxes with these quantities. To me that seems like a straightforward approach. I'm hoping that you can redesign this process a bit. Thank you!
