We have no control over establishing the default tax schedule for new customers and new vendors. Even in custom office, the field default value cannot be set (the initial value of the field is "program defined"). Perhaps there could be an optional default tax schedule in the AR and AP options. Better yet, the optional default tax schedule could be added to the AR and AP Division Maintenance so that the Division will dictate the default tax schedule - if one is desired. The end user should be able to leave it blank to allow the default to be empty as it works now. There are some demo data tax schedules and obsolete tax schedules in the lookup and it causes problems when the incorrect tax schedule is selected.
by: Steve P. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Actually, you can set the default. I'm looking at a default value of 3210 in my system right now.
Go to user defined field and table maintenance. Find the customer master file and right click. Choose advanced field settings. Select the TaxSchedule and change the default value.
Is it possible to make the default Blank when creating a Location Code in Customer Ship to Address Maintenance? I want to make sure our employees focus on this field and have it pop up that it is a required field if they do not enter a TaxSchedule.