The invoice module has a tracking # button where that information can be entered. I would like to see it added to the sales order module as the tracking # is generated at that time. It could then flow to the invoice module automatically. This would allow visibility to customer service, sales etc. to see details when a customer inquires if the invoice has not I been created yet instead of manually looking it up.


  • Our VAR, Compudata has custom designed this for us, working with our UPS rep.
    In our application, sales order data passes to UPS Worldship and back to Sage after UPS end of day processing is complete. From there, the tracking number appears on our invoices and sales orders. 215.969.1000 They should be able to help your VAR set your company up.

  • If you have the tracking number, that means you've shipped it. So just use Shipping Data Entry to record that it's been shipped. That way your customer service staff will get a message saying the order is in shipping anytime they try to view it, and they can easily get the tracking number from there so it wouldn't require a manual lookup.