Sage 100 has several pop up reports for updating the Register, Daily Transaction Register, etc.
There should be an option to turn all of these on or off when Paperless Office is used. It should save all the PDFs in the background, but why do they need to pop up.
For example, when you do process an invoice in AR Invoice Data Entry, you have to view the Gross Profit Report, Invoice Register, and Daily Transaction Register along with clicking yes or no to all of the reports. There should be an option to turn off these reports, but have them saved in Paperless Office. If there are users that want to only see the register, they should have that ability before posting. One report is understandable, but 3 is overkill.
There are so many pop up screens in Sage that users blaze through them without reviewing it. If there were just one report, maybe more users will pay attention to it.
by: Alain S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements