Every single paperless office output (including print) should simply write back to the paperless office module. Or at least have this as a system set up option. It can be confusing as to which output will write back a PDF to the paperless office module or not. It's just overly complicated when it doesnt really need to be.
by: Justin S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
I agree with this. If a company is using paperless office as a standard method of retaining its records then a paperless document should always be saved no matter what the output designation is during printing of the invoice or other document.
Users are confused by the output options and when we find paperless documents haven't been saved nearly 100% of end-users will have no idea what output option they selected.
Yes if you select to use paperless office, always write the records. Do it even in preview. I know you can prevent updating from preview but...