The Project Work Center (6-12) is often used as a landing page for project management. It currently displays Contract Information (original/approved changes/total), Budget information (original/approved changes/total) and Costs to Date. We would like to have outsatnding PO balances also be visible on this screen. These balances are committed costs for the project and are a critical piece of information when determining the completeness of the job.

The following new fields are requested
- remaining PO balances ([SELECT SUM pchord.pchbal FROM pchord WHERE pchord.jobnum = {Job} AND status = 1])
- Total Committed Costs (Costs To Date + Remaining PO Balances)
- Committed Costs as % Budget (Total Committed Costs / Total Budget)

While this information is accessible through reports, we feel like it's importance warrants inclusion on the project work center screen. It is a natural extension of the information already provided and more accurately reflects the amount of cost committed to the job.
