Per KB 97368, defect ID 110790 that was created on 05/03/2019, Cause - Maximum number of fields reached (includes Standard fields, UDF's and Customizations from 3rd party enhancements) + The current ALE design can handle up to 1000 Query Column Definitions (SY1Q02) Resolution - Reduce the number of fields in Custom Lookup - Enhancement Request may be created on Sage 100 Ideas Site.

I hereby request this deficiency be addressed. Issue arose when trying to create a custom field in the SO Order ALE. While my system does have numerous UDF's, the number is not GREAT. Using the power and flexibility of Sage 100, I am able to customize the software for clients thereby increasing their bottom line. I also use this flexibility to sell more licenses. Please address this limitation ASAP. I don't view this as an enhancement but rather an inherent limitation that has been outgrown through the use of UDF's


  • Upgrade ALE settings to proper system table data (M4T / SQL), instead of storing things in antique SOA files, and I bet a lot of those limitations disappear.