There should be a report in Sage that runs through all G/L transactions that will show you any transctions where the documents date , invoice date etc is in a different period than the actual updated date.
as we all know its a headache for example entering a May invoice date and then someone updates it June 1st. It can be impossible to find/reconcile this for month end.
by: Justin S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
The best way we have found to handle this is to create a Timing Difference view in Invoice History display (A/P or A/R). When setting up the custom view, add the invoice date and transaction date (along with other particulars like vendor, invoice number and amount) to the view and then filter it using an invoice date range to display the month that is out of balance. Once the filter is applied and all of the invoices for the month are displayed (it could take a minute), click on the Transaction date to sort it ascending and/or descending - you can easily see at the top and bottom of the window which items have dates out of alignment with the open period.
If you drill down on the offending invoice, you can access the batch transaction posting report that is likely full of offending items and may resolve the entire variation.
If this doesn't work, try filtering the Transaction Date instead of the Invoice Date to look for dates that are out of alignment.
It took me a while to figure this out, but it is a true time saver. Another common offense is accidentally posting to a future period, faaaaar out into the future - try changing the fiscal year displayed in the GL Account Inquiry Transactions window to a future year and you can quickly see if there are any odd looking entries, because there usually won't be many.
Or... take away the ability for lower level staffers to post to the GL 🙂🙃
Best of luck with this!