Enable the Accounting Date prompt when running Cash Receipts Journals. ALL other journals and registers prompt you for an accounting date, but the Cash Receipts Journal does not. Whatever date was set when you opened the module is the date your Cash Receipt Entries will post to if you don't remember to change the accounting period BEFORE you run the Cash Receipts Journal. If you don't correct this date, your deposits go to one date in the bank rec, and another date in the GL. No Bueno. It's a common compliant from my end users.


  • Cash receipts are updated on the date the checks were posted. You are prompted for a deposit date every time you create a deposit. I can date a deposit two weeks earlier than the system/module date and it will post to the gl on the DEPOSIT date. I can change the deposit date anytime prior to the final update. My client's SOP ;is to date the deposit the day you take it to the bank. Which is when it posts to the GL. My clients have nevered complained once they understood the process