In v7.3, the voucher total used for balancing purposes (in the top right corner of the Enter Voucher screen,) auto populates with the amount of the first line entered onto the voucher, if you leave the Voucher Balance Total blank. This causes extra steps when true $0.00 vouchers must be created (using positive and negative lines that net to $0.00.) It would be nice if an option was added to turn on and off the auto population.


  • I just checked it out - that's a change that makes no sense to me. I would expect if the program was modified to populate the the total, it would be accumulating all lines not just setting the total for the first line. I think that 'undocumented enhancement' needs to be either removed or extended to include all voucher lines.

  • I'm in agreement with Katie that the current functionality doesn't make much sense. So much so that I reported this as a bug to support a couple of weeks ago.