Neither of the two customer reports offer a way to print a customer list by territory when you need to take 'Other Addresses' into account.
The AR-->Insights-->Reports-->Other Lists-->CUSTOMER LIST Crystal report allows filtering by sales territory, BUT, the problem is that that filter only considers the sales territory specified for the PRIMARY customer entry, and not the sales territories specified for any of the 'Other Addresses' associated with a customer.
The AR-->Insights-->Explore-->CUSTOMERS BIE report doesn't include 'Other Addresses' at all.
We have several customers in our system that have 'Other Addresses' entered, and these 'Other Addresses' may or may not have the same sales territory specified as their primary/parent customer record.
I will create a customer report that considers the 'Other Addresses,' but it seems like this would be something that many users would need and therefore would be included by default.
The same problem exists with regard to salesperson.


  • we had to create a custom 'Customer Addresses' explorer view to deal with this.