In recent versions of MAS500, Sage has revised how MAS500 processes Multicurrency transactions - eg, there are now transactions that have postings in either the Natural Currency but not the Home Currency, or vice versa (I'm still figuring it out), which was not the case in earlier versions. There is currently no documentation that clearly lays out all the changes to MC processing in the system -- therefore, I have to go and test every possible transaction and create my own documentation for my client! This may be sweet from a billable point of view for me, but clearly there should be complete documentation provided by Sage on how MC transactions now process through MAS500.

I recall seeing a document on MC changes relating to the Purchases Clearing account. The examples used were VERY elementary, using nice round numbers like $1.00 and $1.10, but the real world deals with 5 digit PO Unit Costs, plus Exchange Rates of often 5 or more digits as well. This then causes rounding issues in MAS500, and all is not as nice and neat as that document would imply....

More robust documentation is needed in all areas of MC processing. And maybe this would help developers discover the rounding issues, as well....
