When an AP Voucher is set to post to another company that does not have AP module activated, the resulting Due From posting in the source company only carries a generic "Vouchers" posting commment in General Ledger. This hinders research and reconciliation. Please enhance the post comments in this scenario based on AP setup options.


  • Not only this but ANY posting comments sent to the GL should be fixed. It has been the way it is for too long. There is no reason that more details can't be sent to the GL (even if it's in a seperate table). For example instead of wrapping a ton of info shoved into ONE posting comments column. For example, Have a table that stores the source tranno, trandate, keyID (vendID, custID, itemID), key name (vendname, custname, etc) and is linked by the JE linekey. Too little info is currently sent. Having to constantly look back into the source module for details should not be required as much as it is.

  • I agree, it's is not possible to link a gl transaction's comment back to a single PO or Reciept of Goods.