All of our BTO Kits have the “Set Standard Price To Sum Of Component Prices” flag activated.

When quantities or components are changed on a BTO Kit from within the Sales Order, the system (500 v 7.4) loses the special customer pricing and price reverts back to the highest price.

Per the online Help:
If the BTO Kit components are modified, then regardless of the selection made at the Set Standard Price To Sum Of Component Prices check box in Maintain Items, the unit price for the BTO Kit will be recalculated as the sum of the extended prices for the new component list (sum of the unit price times the quantity per kit for each component item).

It doesn’t explicitly state that the “sum of the extended prices” is really the “sum of the extended prices regardless of customer price group or product price group” but those are the results I’m getting.

What is the point of making BTO Kit changes on the fly if the customer loses their discounted price?
