It would be extremely helpful to have a way to truly prevent users from using a particular account, perhaps with a single character field that Supervisor could set that would prevent any user (other than Supervisor) from inadvertently using that account in an entry.

If we are trying to remove an account from our chart of accounts, we can't delete the account until there are absolutely no entries that reference that account, regardless of fiscal year or status. With multi-year ledgers now, the time during which an account might be used, even by mistake, is that much larger and makes it even more difficult to control whether an account will ever be available for deletion. Now our only recourse is to modify the Account Name to include some admonition to not use the account, like adding "DNU" (do not use) to the Account Name. While this works most of the time, it is not a guarantee that the account won't be used by a user that doesn't lift their head to read what is on the screen during a data entry session. Locking down an account with a single, small field, and then adding a check of that field during account verification processes in data entry would really solve this problem.
